Let’s talk about the Bean here for a moment or six. In various sections of Bean Doing That, we, mostly me, are going into what I am doing with the motorcycle itself. I may include some technical information, or how I did it. Also, I will try to include whatever comes my way, rides, my friends, people in general, or the wonderful places I try to go on the Bean.
Additionally, on some pages, I talk about some of the coffee shops I visit, or the people hanging there. Maybe we go on some bike rides, who knows. Likewise, if I can talk my friend G1 into it, I will share some really cool artwork of his like his ‘Bean Book Cover’, which is proudly on this site’s opening page.
And yeah, you will probably see a lot of Sophie, my dog, just cause….
Sophie’s Ride
Unlike a lot of people I know, most of you can’t, or haven’t yet, done some of the things I am doing. So who knows what you will see here. Take a chance, live vicariously through the Bean, and explore.
And please feel free to reach out and give me some ideas, at least some good ones, I already have plenty of bad ones, of things you might like to see or hear about.
And as always, kind regards from the Bean.
If you have any questions or comments, please let the Bean know on the contact page.