What used to be called, Beans, Bobbles & Bags, is generally where you will find the add-on or custom part(s) that I have added It is really the things that are just outside the usual bragging areas. Or you might find a recipe here, or maybe a ukulele. Who knows until you look here.
Yes, I’m looking at you.
Comfort and Custom – Or why this page exsist
So let’s get to it, the what, and why, starting kind of at the top of how I made Bean even better. Below is my list of things that I have changed on Bean to protect, improve, or make more comfortable. Although this is pretty much the order of how I did it, about the only thing I would say is, or should be first, is anything that is protecting the motorcycle. In my case first was the crashers.
- Crash Bars – Protect those heads
- Lights – Bright ideas are the best
- Seat or Butt Pillow as I call them – Wooden bench upgrade
- Luggage – The things I use to carry things
Coming Soon
- Handlebar Risers
- Tachometer
- Foot Pegs and Hand Guards
How to, (how I did it, anyway)
- Lighting – installing the Baja Design light
- Foot pegs – adjusting the swing